To Complain or to Not Complain
Vivian Wortkoetter, Staff Writer
My goal for this past week was to quit complaining, and this is how it went.
Monday was extremely hard because I had to work, and I am a queen at complaining at work sometimes if there are certain people working with me that night. I complained some, but I had to keep in mind my goal. At the end of the night, once I got home around 11 p.m., I realized that I ultimately failed to not complain.
Tuesday was also pretty bad, but I did seem to hold my tongue a few more times than the night before. I had to work that morning from open to 4 p.m. I normally get a 15 minute break around 11 a.m., but for some reason, I didn�t get a break until 3 pm. I was pretty �hangry� at that point since I had been there since 8 a.m., but at least I had gotten my break. After my break, and after I had eaten, I rethought about my goal to quit complaining. The whole rest of the day I tried to rewire my thoughts to be positive.
Wednesday was better than the last two days. There was only one point in that day where I had complained way too much, at least in my own mind. There�s one class that I�m taking that I have been really struggling with. I honestly have the hardest time NOT complaining about it, but I didn�t�well, at least not out loud.
Thursday was worse than Wednesday. I had to work that morning, the same shift as Tuesday; but what was different about this shift was that someone I don�t like working with was there. This person has not liked me since the first day I started six years ago, and we still don�t get along. I did well not complaining, but I did have a rough attitude during work. I didn�t speak very much and I tried to avoid the person at all costs.
Friday went really well in regards to how much I ended up complaining. I had a nice relaxing day after school. I only hung out with my boyfriend, picked up my mom from the airport and went out to go play pool at the Aloft hotel downtown Greenville. There wasn�t much to complain about.
Saturday was only rough because I had to work 8.5 hours that day, starting at 8 a.m. I had to stay an hour overtime despite me telling them I couldn�t because I had plans that evening, but they didn�t seem to mind keeping me to help out. I had to force my mouth to stay closed, but it was hard. I did end up complaining a little after work, ranting to my mom about how hectic it was.
Sunday, was so very nice. I had no reason to complain, so I didn�t. My boyfriend and I went to Asheville after church to hang out with a couple that we met up there last time we visited.
Overall, my experience with trying to not complain was a lot harder than I imagined it to be. I complain a lot because of work, so I realize now that I should be more grateful to have a job. Unfortunately, it�s hard having a job that works you a lot and to go to college full-time. There�s lots of sacrifices to make when you�re heavily involved in both school and work, but it�s always worth it in the long run. I have learned throughout this past week to see things more positively. I have a hard time seeing the joy in situations, but this past week of trying to not complain has opened my eyes. It�s a real challenge, but I urge people to try this.