North Korea nuclear activity speculation

North Korea nuclear activity speculation

Kaitlyn Lundy, Staff Writer

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After the most recent summit in Hanoi, Vietnam among international political leaders, a distinct resolution was not achieved.  This resulted in speculation that North Korea may be considering testing missiles again violating the moratorium placed on nuclear activity.

Through the summit, U.S. political members were hoping to create closer ties with North Korea, but a different outcome ensued.  Leaders Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un could not reach a definite agreement and the summit ended suddenly without resolve.

Kim made it clear to President Trump that nuclear and missile testing would not resume in the future, however, it is unclear if his word can be completely taken to heart just yet.

Each leader wants to maintain security for their nation, Trump through his foreign policy and Kim through the maintained establishment of nuclear plants. 

One of the major warehouses of North Korean weaponry is the Yongbyon complex.  Prior to the summit, it was proposed that if North Korea shut down the Yongbyon complex, sanction relief would be provided in exchange.

In response, North Korea demanded complete sanctions relief to which the United States agreed to as long as complete denuclearization was also placed into effect.  Neither side was willing to adhere to the others’ demands.

In addition to the lack of resolve, another reason for speculation resulted from found evidence via satellite that there is possibly activity happening on the launch site.

Many are wondering what Kim will decide in regard to future nuclear and missile testing and whether or not the nuclear talks will continue between the U.S. and North Korea.

The United States wants to keep ties with North Korea and deny any chance of restoration between North and South Korea.

In regard to the summit outcome, it appears as though both sides are placing blame on the other.  Logistically speaking, Trump attempted to make a deal that did not cater toward the best interest of his counterpart.  North Korea sees their nuclear warfare as the safety net of their country and therefore would not easily consider diminishing that power. 

Choe Son Hui, Vice Foreign Minister of Korea was quick to comment on the discussion taking place during the summit, placing blame on the United States right away.  However, she would not comment on whether or not she knew of any possible groundwork for a future missile or satellite launch.

One of her statements said, “I want to make it clear that the gangster-like stand of the U.S. will eventually put the situation in danger. We have neither the intention to compromise with the U.S. in any form nor much less the desire or plan to conduct this kind of negotiation.”

John Bolton, the White House security advisor expressed that the government considered seeking the aid of China because they have access to the majority of North Korean trade and also want to see fewer nuclear activity from the nation.  However, this puts the U.S. in a bind because of China’s own desire to build their nuclear prowess.

Improved communication among international leaders is going to be necessary in achieving an agreement and working toward making future deals between North Korea and the United States.  For now, political leaders await the decision of Kim John Un.

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