Women’s lacrosse ready for season start
Sydney Taylor, Staff Writer
photo courtesy of ngu athletics
North Greenville University�s spring sports are now in season. The women�s lacrosse team is one of the handful of teams competing this semester.
The women�s lacrosse team finished their 2018 season as fourth in the Conference Carolinas. The top competitors being: Belmont Abbey College, Mount Olive University and Limestone College. The team lost in the semi-final game against the conference champions, Limestone. The crusaders finished 13-6 overall and 7-3 in the conference.
With the new season only a week away head coach, Brianna Temples, shared, �We are excited for a new season with our team. We have some great leadership with our captains that has led our young girls well.� The crusaders have finished as the fourth team 2 years in a row. This will be the teams fifth year of playing. The program started off with a different head coach while Temples came on as an assistant. The second year of the program brought new changes, one being Temples becoming head coach making this her fourth year leading the crusaders.
The 2019 season starts out with Limestone on Feb. 8 at home. Temples stated that February would be the hardest schedule for the crusaders. �Playing out of conference teams like the Southern Atlantic Conference regular season champs and other tough teams should help us with our conference games.�
The main goal for the crusaders this year is a conference championship. The team gets together before every season to discuss one season goal and also individual game goals. Junior, Christy Beaman, said, �I�m really excited to see us grow this year. I think we have a lot of good players returning and we have gained more talent as well.�
The crusaders have seven out of 18 on the team as freshmen on the roster. Temples, even with a young team, sees potential in her lineup. �This has been my most coachable group yet and I am looking forward to what we can do,� said Temples.
Sources: NGU athletics