Who have you prayed with today?
Casey Mikell – Visual Section Editor
A prayer group has been formed on campus to help students take a break from class and homework in order to focus on the importance of prayer. Senior, Jon Kesey and junior, Haley Cable created this prayer group to help students remember the third part of the Trinity.
The entire group goes back and forth praying over certain subjects for an hour.
Junior, Ben Hamsho focuses on what he is saying during his time of praying.
Senior, James Barnes provides some background music as the group plays.
Kesey and Cable explain the next topic the group will pray over.
Sophomore, Eden Cassell feels the Spirit moving as they continue to pray over the school and student body.
Cable sits back as she listens to the others pray.
Sophomore, Jesse Haack focuses on praying for the faculty and staff.
Kesey thinks over what to say as he prays for the university.