Fall photoshoot tips
Shelby Butler, Staff Photographer
It is finally fall and autumn lighting is the perfect chance to grab that camera you might of used for someone�s birthday last year. Here are a few tips to make the most of your fall photo shoot.
Featured above is sophomore, Courtney Chestnut.
Tip #1: Grab a camera and find a location
Depending on how you want your photos to look depends on the location. Location can affect the lighting, possible distractions around the area and the colors/scenery.
Tip #2: All about time
Timing is a main factor when it comes to a photoshoot because this can determine difficulty. Natural lighting changes constantly so if you are wanting to do an outdoor shoot with the best lighting, the best time is a couple hours before sunset or sunrise, also known as the �golden hour�.
Pictures above and below were taken during golden hour.
Sophomores, Courtney Chestnut and Katelyn Benfield hike through the woods at North Greenville University to look for a spot to shoot.
Tip #3: Keep an eye on detail
Detail in photography is very important. Poor quality photos are a no go when taking pictures so make sure the lens is focused and settings of the camera are where they need to be. If photos are coming out blurry make sure that you are keeping a steady hand on the camera.