Bizarre foods you’ll find at the fair

Bizarre foods you’ll find at the fair

Ariona Imel, Staff Writer

The South Carolina State fair recently ended a few days ago. Each October they offer plenty of food, rides and competitions. When going to the fair you’ll find characters and foods you have never even heard of. Fairs are known mostly for their food, especially when it’s good. Here are a few crazy foods you may find while visiting a fair. 

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com

Pork Parfait

When most people hear the word “parfait,” they think of a cup with yogurt, granola and fruit inside. This parfait is slightly different, this one is served with mashed potatoes, pulled pork and BBQ sauce. It doesn’t sound so bad, but it isn’t necessarily something you would want to try. They serve the parfait in a clean cup, so you can see all the ingredients mixed together.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com

Spam Curds

Not sure who decided that it would be a good idea to turn regular curds into spam curds. I guess having regular cheese curds wasn’t enough and people thought it would be interesting to go and mix up a new item called Spam curds. You’ll find these at the Minnesota State Fair. This odd concoction is made up of spam combined with cheese to make a deep fried “curd.” 

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com

Gator on a stick

This food item can be found at the Illinois State Fair. Someone thought it would be a good idea to have such a thing as “gator on a stick.” This is a deep-fried alligator served on a skewer. Apparently, locals are lined up to eat this at the Illinois State Fair.

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay.com

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay.com

Deep-fried Coke

This is deep fried Coca-Cola, not something you hear of regularly. This was invented at the Texas State Fair in 2006 and is now available worldwide. This odd treat is made of deep-fried balls of Coca-Cola with whipped cream, Coca-Cola syrup and a cherry to top it off. Definitely sounds like something worth trying at a fair. 

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com

Photo courtesy of Pixabay.com

Kool aid pickles

As if pickles aren’t bad enough, they had to go and make pickles marinated in kool aid. They even came up with a name for this “Koolickles.” Apparently, this food is actually better than it sounds, but I guess you’ll just have to try it out and be the judge of whether it’s good or not.

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