Opinion: Dwayne Wade: The return of a champion

Opinion: Dwayne Wade: The return of a champion

Dwayne Wade has played 14 seasons in the NBA and has announced that he will be coming back for his 15th season, however, it will be his last. Wade posted on Twitter and said, �I never wanted a �farewell tour� but being in the position to have one is an unbelievable honor that I couldn�t rob my fans of.�

“Unbroken: Path to Redemption”: Seeing through a spiritual lens

“Unbroken: Path to Redemption”: Seeing through a spiritual lens

Released on September 14th Harold Cronk�s dramatic film , �Unbroken: Path to Redemption� has begun creating a stir among movie goers. According to movie goer, Coleen Souther, �� Your heart will break and your heart will soar. This is beautiful true story!� Adapted from the original Laura Hillebrand book, Harold Cronk�s �Path to Redemption� picks up where Angelina Jolie�s Unbroken left off.

Hidden Treasures

Hidden Treasures

We may know John 3:16 and Romans 2 as verses that are overused and placed in carefully written calligraphic writing on coffee cups but what about verses that aren�t as commonly used?

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