Memes of college struggles. How many are describing your life?
Monday Minute 09.24.18
For this week’s #MondayMinute, Vision TV’s Rachel Daniel brings us the latest with Amazon, an upcoming moon mission, a Hurricane Florence rescue and NGU’s rescheduled family weekend. Have a great week.
NGU Fall 2018: Girls’ dorms lookbook
Here�s a look at how some girls at NGU decorate their rooms.
Opinion: Dwayne Wade: The return of a champion
Dwayne Wade has played 14 seasons in the NBA and has announced that he will be coming back for his 15th season, however, it will be his last. Wade posted on Twitter and said, �I never wanted a �farewell tour� but being in the position to have one is an unbelievable honor that I couldn�t rob my fans of.�
More than a hurrication: Florence devastates the Carolinas
But as relief came for individuals farther inland, many of the refugees were left pondering the state their homes and businesses would be in when they returned.
Picking the best of the newest iPhones of 2018
Apple is known for coming out with exciting products like phones, tablets and computers sense they were founded in 1976, but the technology is keeping everyone on their toes as the advancements continue to come.
“Unbroken: Path to Redemption”: Seeing through a spiritual lens
Released on September 14th Harold Cronk�s dramatic film , �Unbroken: Path to Redemption� has begun creating a stir among movie goers. According to movie goer, Coleen Souther, �� Your heart will break and your heart will soar. This is beautiful true story!� Adapted from the original Laura Hillebrand book, Harold Cronk�s �Path to Redemption� picks up where Angelina Jolie�s �Unbroken� left off.
Colin Kaepernick: A Man That Sacrificed Nothing an Opinion
Over the past couple of years, no one NFL player has created more controversy then Colin Kaepernick. From kneeling for the national anthem, to suing the NFL for collusion against him, Kaepernick has caused more controversy than any one NFL player ever in its history.
Hidden Treasures
We may know John 3:16 and Romans 2 as verses that are overused and placed in carefully written calligraphic writing on coffee cups but what about verses that aren�t as commonly used?
Emotional support pets around campus
There have been a few animals popping up around some people�s dorms. These are emotional support animals. Here is a few facts about a couple I was able to get up close and personal with.