Elon Musk continues to rise

Elon Musk continues to rise

Taylor Deaton, Staff Writer

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia

Elon Musk, who founded Tesla and SpaceX, is an entrepreneur who has been breaking boundaries and headlines in 2018 with his many innovative ideas.

Whether he�s insanely daring, or just flat out insane, there is no doubting that Musk has made his name very well known in the past few months and does not plan on slowing down any time soon.

Our society is constantly engaging in creative ideas. Musk picks up on this, hence his many unusual yet successful accomplishments. He must be doing something right, as his net worth value is over $19 million.

In the eyes of Musk, flamethrowers were a necessity to consumers. Starting bright and early in January of this year, Musk started busting out flamethrowers through his company, The Boring Company. These flamethrowers are currently being pre-sold online for $500 and are expected to arrive to customers sometime in early summer.

As if selling flamethrowers wasn�t enough, on February 6, Musk successfully launched a rocket into space from the Kennedy Space Center. To take this up a notch, a red Tesla was placed inside of the rocket, successfully being launched into space. The entire trip was livestreamed, ensuring that everyone was able to watch the accomplishment.

Musk had been working towards this achievement for many years, so launching the rocket successfully was a huge accomplishment for himself and SpaceX. Musk is constantly on the move when it comes to deciding. 

Although he has had many highlights of 2018, Musk has also suffered from a few backfires.

March of this year was the worst stock month Tesla has seen in many years. According to, March was the �worst monthly performance since December 2010.� This also had consumers worried about the production of the Tesla Model 3.

This model has suffered many problems since production started. Currently, the production of Model 3 has stopped until the problems can be worked out, but Musk has assured that they will work their hardest to push this model out.

With the swirling rumors of the potential problems with Tesla�s production of Model 3, Musk decided that we all needed some comic relief, conveniently provided in the form of an April Fool�s Day joke via Musk on Twitter.

On April 1, Musk tweeted out that he had �important news in a few hours�� leaving his followers to wonder what the problem could be.

Almost 3 hours later, Musk posted a series of tweets announcing that Tesla had gone bankrupt. Parts of a tweet read that �Tesla [had] gone completely and totally bankrupt� despite their attempts to make money like �a last-ditch mass sale of Easter Eggs.�

The series of tweets ended with a photo of Musk and an ending statement reading, �Happy New Month.�

While Musk�s joke was ultimately funny, the stock market didn�t find the same humor that he did, as Tesla�s stock dropped dramatically the following day.

From the fiery heights of his year, to the money-sinking lows, Elon Musk has had one for the books and it is only April. Seeing what he will accomplish within the next eight months will surely be interesting.

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