Sports profile: Josiah Ledford

Sports profile: Josiah Ledford

Travis Willmann, Assistant Editor

Photo Courtsey of North Greenville University 

Photo Courtsey of North Greenville University 

Josiah Ledford, a junior at North Greenville University, is an avid golf player, but his love for golf goes deeper than just playing a game.

Ledford started playing golf at a young age, but did not compete competitively until he was a senior at Pisgah High School in his hometown of Canton, N.C. He quickly fell in love with it, but was not aware of how God was going to use golf to shape his life.

�It has been an awesome privilege to play golf competitively and see how God has worked in my life through the game. Golf has taken me many places and I look forward to see where the Lord allows the game to take me next,� said Ledford.   

When asked why he came to North Greenville University he said, �I came to NGU for the Christ centered environment and classes that are taught from a biblical worldview. Also, I wanted to go far enough away from home to establish myself where no one knew me.�

Since his senior year of high school, he has taught himself the proper way to swing his club and how to properly play the game. He has only received a few golf lessons and is very excited about what his junior year at North Greenville holds and where the Lord will take him.

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