FIve ways giving during the holidays means winning for all

FIve ways giving during the holidays means winning for all

Travis Willmann, Staff Writer 

The holiday time is a fun time for many people, but for some, the holidays can be just another time for them to remember that they are not as fortunate as others. There are many ways that we can make a difference in the lives of those that are not as fortunate as us. Here are five ways you can make a difference in the lives of others during the holiday season. 

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First is Operation Christmas Child. Operation Christmas Child is a project by Samaritan’s Purse that sends shoeboxes all over the world to children that will not get anything for Christmas. This charity has been happening for many years, and there are businesses and churches all over the United States that sponsor this charity. On their website is all the information about how to pack the shoebox and what can and cannot go into the box. Each box is designated for a boy or girl oversees that will not receive anything for Christmas. While spreading joy and cheer, Samaritan’s Purse encourages that the person donating items puts a letter in the box that explains that Jesus loves them. Go to their website to learn more. 

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Second, is Operation Gratitude. Operation Gratitude is all about thanking those who serve in the military or who serve as first responders. According to their website, “Every Operation Gratitude Care Package includes a bundle of letters from the American people, thanking Troops, Veterans, New Recruits, or First Responders for their service to our country.” Care Package recipients tell us: “these letters, notes, and drawings are the most cherished items in their box.” This is an excellent way to say thank you to those who may not get to go home for the holidays. 

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Third on the list is assisting seniors at local retirement homes. Many seniors spend the holidays alone, and making sure that they see a friendly face every once in a while is a great way to give back to the community. These people are usually really friendly and welcome anyone who wants to come and talk to them. First, the retirement home should be contacted before heading over to it. This assures that the company is welcomed and no one is offended. The relationships that are built over this time can continue for years to come. 


Fourth on the list is giving blood. Giving blood is something that can be done year around, but with the recent increase in natural and un-natural disasters, organizations such as The Red Cross and The Blood Connection are looking for people to give blood. Blood is essential to life and there are so many people that need donated blood. It is not known when the next natural disaster will hit, but this holiday season, make sure that these organizations are ready. 

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Fifth on the list is to give back to children in children’s hospitals. There are countless ways to give to families and children that are in hospitals. Since these kids are usually battling life threatening diseases or cancer, they do not get to spend Christmas like other families. Unfortunately, these children are not the only ones struggling. Their families are too and Christmas has not been the same since their children have had these horrific diseases. In order to find ways to give back, contacting the local children’s hospital is the best way to go about it. 

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