Humans of NGU: Shur Gopal
Alyssa Ashe, Contributing Writer
Professor Shur Gopal advises a mass communication student over a cup of coffee.
Lover of nut milk, spicy Indian food, the Andy Griffith show, James Bond movies and video production, Shur Gopal is one unique professor in NGU�s College of Communication.
He is known for welcoming students into his office with open arms and opportunities. Whether he is teaching media technology, helping seniors apply for jobs all over the U.S. or taking 50 Mass Communication students to Disney World during a National Religious Broadcasters convention, Gopal never sits still.
He is always working on something new and is currently producing the Miracle Stories for NRB TV Network, which is set to air in October. �I am delighted that about 48-50 million homes, not only in the United States but across the world, are going to be watching people sharing their miracle stories,� said Gopal.
With co-producer Ashley Holbrook, an NGU Mass Communication alumnae, and host Christal Potter, Miss NGU 2016, Gopal and his team are searching for stories of God�s hand in everyday lives. �Faith really does perform miracles even today. According to the Bible, we all know, if you have faith even the mountain will move,� Gopal said.
Gopal encourages his students with his faith, and tells them �if you have that faith, sky�s the limit to what you can reach in this life.� He is a dreamer and he does not settle for the status quo. With a worldwide network of communication professionals, Gopal is always up to meet someone new and take them to one his favorite Indian restaurants in Greenville: Handi or Persis. He is well known at WYFF4, WSPA, and FOX Carolina. He keeps his connections strong and his relationship with God stronger.
�You can reach anything you want, if you have that faith in God, and do what you�ve got to do and put in your efforts, oh my goodness you�ll be that shining star,� Gopal said.