Moving at the speed of life to save lives: Piedmont Women’s Center
Travis Willmann, Staff Writer
Photo Courtesy of Travis Willmann
On Saturday, Oct. 7, 2017, students from North Greenville University volunteered at the fourth annual Piedmont Women�s Center 5K race called �Moving at the Speed of Life.�
In addition to 20 volunteers from North Greenville University, another 150 from the Travelers Rest area and local churches helped with the local event. These volunteers were responsible for helping over 200 runners, assisting with the registration for the race, medical attention, food, tear down of booths and much more.
Samantha Snipes (Left, NGU student) registers her sister, Elizabeth Snipes, (Right, NGU student) to participate in the 5k. Photo Courtesy of Travis Willmann
Piedmont Women�s Center is a Christian Institution that is dedicated to help women not only find alternatives to abortion, but also find the hope and peace that God brings and the money that was raised during this event went to fund the women’s center.
Many churches in the area have donated and have volunteers that attend and help the Women�s Center regularly.
Piedmont Women�s Center is responsible for helping women consider other alternatives to abortion. In addition to finding abortion alternatives, Piedmont Women�s Center also helps women and men that have already experienced an abortion cope with their loss in a Christian environment, according to http://piedmontwomenscenter.org.
�If a woman thinks she might be pregnant, the Women�s Center can provide that woman with a free pregnancy test and counseling. If that woman then decides to keep the child, the center will provide counseling, free ultrasounds and other services,” explained by the CEO of Piedmont Women�s center, Lenna Smith. “After the child is born and the woman decides to put the child up for adoption, Piedmont Women�s Center will then help the woman get in contact with a local, Christian, adoption agency,� said the Piedmont Women’s Center website.
In addition to post-abortion counseling for women, there is also post-abortion counseling for men. A spokeswoman for the Women�s Center said: �Men have just as hard of a time with losing a child as women do. A man might blame himself for the abortion and needs to receive counseling.�
To find out more details about how you can help Piedmont Women�s Center or to volunteer as a counselor, please go to piedmontwomenscenter.org.