Petit’s Senior Year
Sydney Taylor, Staff Writer
Photo courtesy of NGU Athletics
The North Greenville women�s lacrosse team is coming up on its fourth year as a program. That means that this is the first year the original players, who started as freshman, are going to be graduating. Candace Petit is among three of the seniors on the team this year.
Petit graduated from Rosman High School and played basketball and volleyball during her time spent there. Lacrosse was an unknown sport for Petit but she was offered the opportunity to come play for the first-ever team at NGU. It was a hasty decision and she only had a few days to decide, but she wanted a fresh start on her athletic career.
Petit has been excelling in this sport for the last four years. She is now student teaching and trying to manage her schedule as best as possible for her last year. Petit said, �It�s very difficult. The biggest thing is time management between practice, weights, class, student teaching, homework and FCA.� Petit is also president of NGU’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes program. �I have tried to get into a routine for myself to make sure I get everything done that I need to,� said Petit.
Student teaching and playing a sport is quite the juggling act, but Petit is ready to show her future students how taking the easy way out is never the right option. Petit says, �Being a student athlete has taught me how important my education really is and I know that one day, my hard work will be rewarded when I get to see the students in my very own class succeed.�