Yep that’s right, you no longer possess what you search online. What’s even worse is that other companies and organizations can capitalize on what you browse on the Internet
Breaking down stereotypes of NGU’s majors
If you are an ODEL major they may say something along the lines of, “Oh so you slackline all the time” or if you are an English major you may hear, “So you just read books all day.”
What’s on my face?
When a trend like this goes viral, everyone craves inclusion and wants to be apart of the very thing everyone is talking about.
Presidential Vetoes History
Take a look at how Presidential vetoes have changed throughout history.
Changes made to 2017-2018 academic calendar
Watch out for some changes to NGU’s academic calendar!
NGU student flown to JMS Burn Center in Augusta, Ga. after explosion
A North Greenville student was severly burned in an accident and is now being treated at the JMS Burn Center in Augusa, Ga.
Greenville gives back HOPE
We want to put some HOPE back in to the Upstate. Want to be apart of that?! CLICK HERE and find out how YOU can be apart of Hope Week 2017!
Syria air strikes: What you don’t know
On Thursday, April 6, Trump authorized the firing of 59 U.S. Tomahawk missiles on the Syrian airfield and storage facilities believed to be responsible for the April 4th chemical weapons attacks on unarmed Syrian men, women and children. Trump’s Thursday night press conference clarified many of the details regarding the attack, dubbed as a “one-off” by a Pentagon spokesperson, including that the targets of the strike included ammunition storage units, 20 aircraft, fuel storage and aircraft runways. What you don’t know is that Russia is prepared to go to war over it.
A Centennial to remember
Several wars and periods of unrest have occurred since the First World War came to a screeching halt in 1918. Why then is it important to remember this war as we approach the centennial of America’s entrance on April 6, 2017?
Tragedy Strikes in March 2017
Timeline of the major bombings in March 2017.