
Six ways to procrastinate during finals
Hunter Merck, associate writer
I would like to believe there are two types of people in the world. Those who study, and those who procrastinate. While most of us would like to be one of those people who are ready to study for finals, many of us end up cleaning our rooms to avoid doing anything that actually needs to be done. The masses flock to social media when they should be studying and we are all guilty of doing so. Here are six things that we all do on the regular when we should be doing anything else.
1. Ogling over our newly married friends’ wedding photos on Facebook.
photo courtesy of Hunter Merck
2. Stalking any assortment of random Twitter accounts that repost viral tweets.
Screenshot of Twitter
3. Actually going through and watching all of the Snapchat stories that companies put up, and reading through all the articles.
Screenshot from Snapchat
4. Scrolling through Pinterest and seeing your suite mate’s most recent pins from her wedding planning.
Screenshot from Pinterest
5. Finding a viral trend on YouTube and then watching every single video that has been posted with the same title.
Screenshot from YouTube
6. Ending up on the discover page on Instagram and scrolling to “Oddly Satisfying” and watching all the paint mixing videos.
Screenshot from Instagram
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