Humans of NGU: Amanda Moseley

Humans of NGU: Amanda Moseley

Jazmyne Boozer, Staff Writer

Photo Courtesy of Jazmyne Boozer

Photo Courtesy of Jazmyne Boozer

For Amanda Moseley, her major is her life. She dreams of the day when she will become a public relations expert and a social media mogul. Her favorite social media platforms are Instagram and Twitter and she hopes to use them one day in her career field. 

Moseley is from Columbia, S.C. and has lived there all her life. She transferred to North Greenville University her junior year. She is currently an NGU Campus Ambassador and hopes that the job will give her experience in her career: public relations.

As a sport management major, Moseley hopes to represent future athletes regarding how the public views them. She aspires to represent big time athletes such as Stephen Curry or Cam Newton. When Moseley saw that campus ambassadors were hiring, she jumped at the idea of gaining career experience. She is excited about showing the campus’s best. 

“My favorite part,� she said, “is representing the school well and showing off the best that NGU has to offer.”

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