The real question people must ask is, “What does ‘free’ actually entail?”

The real question people must ask is, “What does ‘free’ actually entail?”
Every 15 minutes, an elephant is hunted and killed for its tusks, fastracking the creature to extinction. Beyond preserving the species for the enjoyment of future generations, the Kenyan government has also realized that elephants provide the country with substantial tourism revenue. But for the Kenyans, the money is meaningless. Many Kenyan nationals believe that elephants are indispensible to their land and therefore should be preserved.
Emily Artus, Staff Writer ?Only four more years.? College freshmen repeat this mantra to themselves as they present the 800th project of their academic careers. Four more years may seem […]
If you have ever been in the caf and heard someone yelling, it was most likely Lance Moore.
The notes fill you with a rush of happiness or a stab of sorrow; the lyrics grip your mind and either remind you of your own past inner joys and hurts or make you aware of other�s.
By Megan Conley, Lifestyle Editor 2016 marks the last season the Braves will be playing in Turner Field, which they have occupied for 20 years. The Atlanta Braves will be moving […]
The debate started early in 2015 on if a woman should replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill by 2020. This was brought on by the 100th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote in the United States.
You can�t just say, �The answer for you is Jesus.� If that person is, say, borderline personality disorder, that isn�t going to fly. That may be part of the issue but they need a whole lot more.
The increase of women in the work force in the last 20 years has created a new member of the American family: the nanny.
The Honors Program is something North Greenville University offers students, with above average GPAs, to socialize and enrich their experiences at school.