The best local haunts of the upstate

The best local haunts of the upstate

Gracie Fletcher, Staff Writer


The upstate of South Carolina is creepily crawling with haunted locations for those who are willing to brave all that Greenville’s haunts have to offer.  North Greenville University freshman Sydney Hackle found truth in this as she put her vehicle in park on a vacant gravel pull off.  Across the street and down a few rocky steps was one of the most haunted locations in the upstate of South Carolina.  Hackle held on to the rail of the stone made stairs and planted her feet shakily on the ground of Poinsett Bridge— the oldest bridge in the southeastern United States.  “It was pitch black when we arrived.  You couldn’t see your hand in front of your face,” Hackle said. 

 The stoned structure was originally built in 1820 displaying a gothic architectural design that made way for its gloomy history.   “You could tell the bridge was old, which is what added to the suspense of being there,” Hackle said. 

Poinsett Bridge is known  for its paranormal activity.  Unexplainable occurrences such as overwhelming screams seeping from the arch of the bridge or supernatural lights blinking in the trees of the surrounding wooded area have been recalled by those brave enough to visit the historic structure.  “When we stood on the bridge itself, we became completely frozen.  I heard footsteps coming from the staircase as if someone was crunching leaves and sticks beneath heavy boots.  None of us were moving, so we knew there was something else there,” Hackle said. 

Another location in the upstate that is famous for paranormal activity is the Greenville Army-Navy Store –- one of the oldest businesses in the county, as well as one of the most “visited” by those of the afterlife.  Veteran Harry Zaglin opened the doors of his 1946 business before later passing in 1995.  Though Zaglin’s son now runs the business, Zaglin still pays visits to all that stop by and is sometimes vocal with his costumers.  Investigators of the paranormal have documented accounts of hearing a voice telling them to “Get out!” or “We’re closed” by a voice believed to be Zaglin himself.

Eerie locations across the upstate have attracted thrill seekers alike to see what the ghostly small towns are all about.  From the outskirts of Travelers Rest, into the deep of Landrum and into the heart of Downtown Greenville, the city harbors possessed locations only for the fearless. 

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