Local Greenville businesses host weekly free yoga event
Devan Trout, Associate Writer
The Swamp Rabbit Trail is 20-mile-long path that serves as a central hub for many events and business located in Greenville. This year, The Swamp Rabbit Caf� & Grocery and King of Pops banded together to form an outdoor yoga event.
This event started at the beginning of the summer and has continued every Wednesday from 6to 7 p.m. The free class primarily focuses on posture, breathing exercises and meditation and only requires that participants bring their own mats.
�They set up at the picnic table area, move all the picnic tables out, lay on their mats and just do yoga for a full hour,� said Betsy Bain, cashier at Swamp Rabbit Caf� and Grocery.
The class is taught by a number of different instructors and regular customers and community members participate. Participants are not required to have background knowledge of yoga in order to get involved with this weekly outing.
�Afterwards, they can come in [Swamp Rabbit Caf� and Grocery] to buy refreshments, drinks or popsicles,� said Bain.
According to the American Osteopathic Association, yoga ha, not only physical benefits, but also mental benefits. Yoga can help increase flexibility and muscle strength and improves respiration, energy, vitality and in some cases, athletic performances.
Mentally, it is said that yoga can help people cope and manage their stress levels. The meditation and breathing exercises helps relax the mind and sharpen their concentration. It can also help create mental calmness and clarity.
For more information on this event check out King of Pop�s Facebook page.