Things Your Barista Wants You to Know
Gracie Fletcher, Staff Writer
We�ve all encountered the challenges of perfecting our choice latte at the local java shop.
We endure the wait in line with other eager costumers in hopes that our morning barista has had their own cup of Joe and has maintained a neutral mood since his or her shift started. And nothing puts your morning more out of wack than receiving an impatient barista who wants to get your order over with instead of their usual morning conversation.
You can�t help but plunge yourself into a grump knowing that the one person who was the starter of your day was in a bad mood. Everyone else is temperamental, so why can�t you be?
But here�s the thing. It is very easy to maintain a relationship with your coffee host if you understand where they are coming from. Enjoy the most blissful part of your morning and be the best part of your barista�s morning by understanding these simple thoughts of what your espresso operator wants you to know.
1. Misspelled Names:
Your barista could honestly care less about how to spell your name. It really isn�t that big of a deal. Your scribbled, misspelled identity is just another part of your coffee cup that will eventually end up in a trash can. If you get upset over such a minute accident, your barista will probably just screw up your name even more on the next cup. Laugh about it. Take a picture of the spelling error, post it on Instagram, and move on.
2. Be Courteous:
Don�t be on the phone when your coffee expert is trying to take your order. Be kind enough to not be in the middle of a conference call if you can help it or scrolling through your Twitter feed while your barista is doing everything in their power to specifically meet your caffeine needs.
3. Be Prepared:
Guess what? The drink you are ordering you will have to pay for. Go ahead and have your wallet out and your money prepared. That way, the line will go faster for those behind you and your barista will be forever grateful for your willingness to keep the morning traffic flowing steadily. Who knows, you might inspire those behind you to do the same, and they might be in front of you the following morning. Think ahead and you�ll be ahead.
4. Quick Conversation:
Take the time to get to know your server in a quick manner. Understand that there are people around you that have been patiently waiting for their order just as you have, but be kind enough to your barista to swiftly converse. Knowing that you actually care, your barista will be more generous to you on your morning voyage to your caffeine fix. You might even get a free drink out of it.
5. Grab and Go:
Be patient while waiting for your morning fix. Your drink mixers take pride in their craft and want your order to be flawless so that they don�t have to prepare it again. Respect that, and be patient. Once your drink appears on the counter and its maker calls for you to take it, grab it, thank them, and go. If the drink is wrong, tell them immediately and they will fix it. Do not make a big deal out of the mistakes but instead be kind in your actions and words and you will receive the same in return.
Enjoy this part of your morning by making the experience for both you and your coffee expert a great one.