Extreme makeover: NGU caf edition

Extreme makeover: NGU caf edition

Gracie Fletcher, Staff Writer

A student gets a beverage at the coffee station in the newly-renovated dining hall.

A student gets a beverage at the coffee station in the newly-renovated dining hall.

All eyes (and stomachs) were on the renovation of the new and improved Todd Dining Hall that came with the 2016 fall semester at North Greenville University. 

The changes were evident as both upperclassmen and freshmen students entered the hall for the first time.  New additions like the stir fry station and the sub station were welcomed by those who were craving a change in appetite and atmosphere. 

“I really like the sub bar.  I used to go to The Stud for subs but now I can come in here and get whatever I want,” NGU junior Josh Moore said.

The compact bowls and plates that came with the renovation were unwelcome by Moore, who was used to getting one or two plates of food.  “I don’t like the smaller plates because I eat a lot of food, and now I have to get two or three plates,” Moore said. 

The hard wood floors, new dining options and overall scheme created a cozy and warm environment for students desiring a savory break.  “[the caf has] moved up since last year, it’s more like a coffee shop and comfier,” Moore said. 

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