8 tips for surviving your first semester
Carson Myers, Associate Writer
If you�re part of the class of 2020 at North Greenville University, congratulations. You�ve finished the first two weeks of your first semester in college. Here are eight things you can do to make your life a lot easier as a fledgling academic.
1. Put your classes first
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It�s easy to forget why you�re here. At this point in your college career, you have the most free time you will in the next four years. This gives you the liberty to engage in all sorts of fun activities like chatting with that cute guy you met at orientation, playing sand volleyball in lieu of visiting the library or driving to Cookout at some ungodly hour when only marsupials should be awake. Your college career has just started, and you want to make the most of it. Fear of missing out is real, but you should also develop a healthy fear of making bad grades. Be reasonable; there will always be more opportunities to have a good time.
2. Get organized
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There is a high probability that your desk is strewn with syllabi, random class notes and receipts from the bookstore. A great way to deal with clutter is to buy a three-ring binder with dividers for each class. This will help you stay organized and keep records of your studies when you seek admission to a graduate program. Also, saving book receipts helps you keep a record of how much you paid so you can re-sell them for a fair price.
3. Meet your neighbors
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You already have friends on campus, but there are amazing people who live just down the hall from you. Building community with the people you live with is very rewarding. Leave your door open when you�re in your room and start conversations with people you pass in the hallway. Dorm life doesn’t have to be miserable. Plan impromptu movie nights, order a pizza from Papa John’s or just loaf around and shoot the breeze.
4. Attend games
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Have you ever wondered why campus is so dead on Friday nights? It�s because everyone�s watching the football game. You can get into all NGU sporting events for free with your student ID. There�s something for everyone at Crusader sporting events. If you�re not on the field, you can hang out in the student section, be a cheerleader, play in the marching band or volunteer to work in the concession stand. You might catch the Crusader Crazies.
5. Stay in touch
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No, texting your mom to ask for money is not considered staying in touch. Instead, make an effort to maintain relationships with your family members. When you immerse yourself in college, it�s easy to forget your family. Go out into the world and be independent, but always value the people who love you.
6. Don�t ignore your health
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The transition from high school to college can take a toll on your physical and emotional health. NGU offers confidential guidance counselling, a health clinic and intramural sports. Surround yourself with people who have your health in mind. There are many students and faculty who are willing to listen to you, give advice or even show you how to lift weights in the fitness center.
7. Always go to chapel.
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All Christians have moments when God tells them exactly what they need to hear. That�s no coincidence. Hebrews 4:12 says, �The word of God is alive and active�. You may not get in trouble for skipping chapel, but you won’t hear God’s message for you if you don’t listen to His Word being preached.
8. Take it all in!
Photo courtesy of ngu.edu
The Greenville area has activities for people in all walks of life. Get some friends together and go hiking near Poinsett bridge, go downtown to an avant-garde cafe and listen to live music on Main Street, or just take a walk around campus and enjoy creation. You can’t go wrong.
Remember: there’s no such thing as a perfect college experience, but go ahead and add these eight steps to your bucket list. Live life to the fullest.