Humans of NGU: 6’9 Edition
Victoria Wojan, Contributing Writer
If you walk around the campus of North Greenville University you might come across the tallest person. That would be Jai Jencks who currently calls this place home.
Jai Jencks is a 6�9″ junior Sport Management Major from Panama City, Fla. He has taken advantage of his height and is using it to its full potential by playing basketball at North Greenville University.
Jencks started playing basketball in middle school to build a relationship with his father to make him proud, hoping he would stick around and not leave and it was something for the two of them to do together to get closer. �From then on I kept playing basketball because I was taller than everyone else.� Jencks said, smiling.
Jencks, with his massive height and talents, figured he could play college basketball and help out his parents at the same time. �It was a way to help my parents so that they wouldn�t have to pay for me to get through college, and it was a way to show my appreciation to my parents.�
Oh, boy and has he shown his appreciation and talents throughout his three seasons at NGU. He started in 10 games during the 2013-2014 season which, believe it or not, was his freshman year. In his sophomore and junior years he started nearly every game as well. During his sophomore year Jencks and the rest of the team battled in the Conference Carolinas playoffs as the third seeded team with wins, barely beating both teams in the semifinals and finals, each by a small 2-point margin. Jencks used his talents in one of the most important games in his college career, giving the team 15 minutes of playing time and multiple points. This helped give North Greenville their first ever Men�s basketball conference championship.
With the 2015-2016 season ending not the way the team would have hoped, being eliminated in the first round of Conference play. The team, including Jencks, will be back next season hungrier to prove themselves and another chance at a conference championship ring.
So if you ever happen to see Jai Jencks walking around campus when he�s not in the gym shooting around or doing homework, be sure to jump up and give him a high five.