Photoblog: North Greenville University Men’s Lacrosse vs. Lincoln Memorial University
Miranda Bradford, Associate Photographer

Chris Carpenter passes the ball across the field to his teammate.

Sean Lemay switches field side with a pass to Ethan Landreth.

Alex Proly passes the ball upfield.

Sky Dupree comes behind an opponent in hopes to knock the ball away.

Dawson Long smacks his opponent’s arm in hopes to knock the ball away.

Goalie Matthew Sandoval gets ready to protect the goal from the opponent’s shot attempt.

Matt Somjak sprints up from behind in attempt to regain possession.

Jalen Bell gains possession of the ball during the opening drive.

Proly fights off the opponent while keeping the ball protected.

Carpenter takes a blow to the face in order to protect the ball and continue his push downfield.

Dupree runs downfield to pass the ball to his offensive teammates.

Proly breaks free from his opponents to try and get a clear shot on goal.

Bryson Palmer sprints towards center to try and free up space and teammates.

Proly sprints to the left side of the field to free up space to take a shot on goal.

Sandoval anticipates the saving catch from an attempted shot on goal.

Bell aggressively fights to stop his opponent from gaining ground past midfield.

Zach Randolph stays close to his offensive opponent to put pressure on his play downfield.

Matt Murphy cuts right to get past his opponent.

Dawson Long delivers a smack to the helmet of his opponent to rattle the ball lose in hopes to switch possession.

Drew Wassenaar slightly slows down his sprint in preparation to cut left to throw the other player from his side.

Wassenaar sprints towards midfield to bring the ball closer to shooting range.

Randolph sprints towards the free ball to gain possession for his team.

Carpenter delivers a hard smack on an opponent to throw off his protection of the ball.

Wessenaar and Proly celebrate an important point made by Proly bringing the game to a three point difference.

After a hard fought game NGU Men’s lacrosse shake hands with Lincoln Memorial University for a 12-7 loss.