Ultimate Intramural: a look into NGU’s ultimate frisbee team

Ultimate Intramural: a look into NGU’s ultimate frisbee team

Alex Forester, Staff Writer

As the 2016 ultimate frisbee intramural begins to pick up steam, let us take a closer look at what makes it so special here at North Greenville University.

NGU's Daniel Shamblin at the Ninja Geese Ultimate Frisbee tournament in Charleston, S.C. Photo by Rebecca Meek, Vision Online Staff Photographer

NGU’s Daniel Shamblin at the Ninja Geese Ultimate Frisbee tournament in Charleston, S.C. Photo by Rebecca Meek, Vision Online Staff Photographer

Why is ultimate frisbee a popular intramural?

Junior Christian studies major Grant Richardson explained “Ultimate is a game that anyone can play and rapidly see progress. Unlike other sports, it doesn’t require extreme amounts of practice. Anyone can pick it up and after just a few games be competitive.”

Having ultimate frisbee as an intramural sport at NGU is great for many reasons. It helps students be active and relieve stress. If you are feeling bogged down by schoolwork, stressed about all the tests you have next week or just need a break, ultimate frisbee is a perfect way to get out and compete with fellow students.

Another great benefit of ultimate frisbee is the community. Playing ultimate is an awesome way to make friends and meet new people.

“Ultimate frisbee is almost like a social club. Every ultimate player knows at least a couple other ultimate players, and everybody is friends with everyone,” said Richardson.

Richardson explained what the perfect team for intramural ultimate frisbee looks like. 

“You need to have a good mix of handlers (people to throw the frisbee) and athletes. If you have a few good handlers and some good athletes to throw to, you’ll have a pretty good team.

If you want to watch a few games and see what ultimate frisbee is like, you can catch some of the action at the intramural fields on Tuesday afternoons. Be sure to swing by to watch or you can check out NGU’s intramural page for more information.

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