Photoblog: Soccer Intramurals Have Begun

Photoblog: Soccer Intramurals Have Begun

Torey Brown, Staff Photographer

There’s nothing like a friendly game of soccer. Soccer intramurals have begun and the players came out to play with full determination.

The two teams come together for a prayer before playing.

The two teams come together for a prayer before playing.

Nate Hubbard goes in for a goal shot after making it pass the defensive players.

Nate Hubbard goes in for a goal shot after making it pass the defensive players.

Andres Cakar and Nate Hubbard exchange words before the first kickoff.

Andres Cakar and Nate Hubbard exchange words before the first kickoff.

The pressure is on as Madelynn Schober attempts to shake up Mateo Barzola before he scores.

The pressure is on as Madelynn Schober attempts to shake up Mateo Barzola before he scores.

Passing the ball to her teammate, Kamryn Kelley is ready to win.

Passing the ball to her teammate, Kamryn Kelley is ready to win.

Hudson Tankersley tries to get the ball across the court without getting the ball stolen from him.

Hudson Tankersley tries to get the ball across the court without getting the ball stolen from him.

Looking to see who on her team is open, Sierra Singh is ready to pass the ball.

Looking to see who on her team is open, Sierra Singh is ready to pass the ball.

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