Student-Led Renewal: A week of revival led by NGU students
Emily Artus, Staff Writer
Students take over North Greenville University�s chapel for Student-Led Renewal during the week of Feb. 8-10.
Student-Led Renewal offers biblical instruction and worship from a peer perspective. Featuring four services, the annual event builds on a theme of response to the Gospel.
Dylan Baxter, a senior Christian studies major, and Matt Hall, a senior youth ministries major, will lead the regularly scheduled chapels.
Baxter and Hall gave the Vision Online an inside look into the week�s events.
On Monday morning, Baxter will preach a message focusing on response to God despite doubts and trials.
�The battle for our souls is fought in our mind,� Baxter said. �So if we have a proper understanding of who God is and what He has done, then that should lay a foundation for us to not doubt.�
During Wednesday chapel, Hall will focus on the Christian�s response to God through worship.
�I don�t want students to take the gifts of God and miss the Gift Giver,� Hall said.
Student-Led Renewal also features two bonus chapels.
Andrew and Natalie Gilstrap will lead Monday evening�s bonus chapel. The couple will focus on the sinfulness of man.
�The thing that I�m looking forward to is that they�re coming from a marriage perspective,� said Hall.
Tuesday evening�s bonus chapel is Creative Worship. From dramatic monologues to creative movement, this worship session is unique.
Through Creative Worship, students who would not normally be in the spotlight will be able to use their talents to praise God, Baxter said.
Research from sources like Barna shows millennials appreciate strong relationships within religious settings.
�Relationships make all the difference,� said Hall. �You�re more prone to listen to someone who�s at an equal standing with you because we�re going through similar things here at college. We understand about college life and how bad Caf food is.�
Student-Led Renewal provides the student body an opportunity to learn biblical truths from their classmates.
North Greenville offers links to view archived and live Student-Led Renewal services.