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News Briefs
Find out whats happening from Greenville to Antartica!
Humans of NGU: Justin Mathis
�My younger brother has autism and epilepsy and I didn�t have time to be a quote on quote regular teenager. I think that was just God�s way of teaching me things early on in life,� Justin opens up.
Aiding Paris: More Than a Facebook Filter
Facebook executives have come under fire from numerous organizations and citizens alike.
Five Ways to Deal With Stress During Finals
Finals are back again and we are here to help you cope.
OPINION: A Christian response to the Starbucks Red Cups
When we as Christians allow the world to dictate what angers us and what frightens us then we have lost control of our faith.
Humans of NGU: Sam Helms
Sam Helms is a junior at North Greenville University and is a biology major; Helms was born in a Monroe, N.C.
Review: �Mockingjay Part 2�
One should ask the question, �Is anything traditional about �The Hunger Games?��
10 National Days in November
As if you need more reasons to love November, here are ten upcoming days in November that have their own special celebrations.
10 Reasons to be thankful for NGU
It is an experience that can only be fully appreciated if you are a crusader.