Humans of NGU: Jonathan Shorter

Humans of NGU: Jonathan Shorter

Kyle Packard, Contributing Writer

     Skydiver. Unicyclist. Shark enthusiast. Jonathan Shorter is certainly a jack-of-all-trades, and then some.  

     He prides himself in the uniqueness of his hobbies. With passion, he dives headfirst into everything he does, sometimes quite literally. Weekends don’t become typical college student rest sessions with Netflix and a Mountain Dew; Shorter instead busies himself with nurturing his wild and adventurous spirit. 

     “I always have tried to be an expert in the less ordinary. I enjoy doing things that not many people can do. I can ride a unicycle, I’m a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, I enjoy doing random things like skydiving. Any experience I can have that is sort of unique in its nature I like to do it,” said Shorter. 

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