Halloween Open Dorms Photoblog
Devan trout, staff writer
Spiderman hung out at Horton-Tingle.
Ashli Livingston, the resident assistant for Emery, prepared for open dorm night.
Brieanna McCall prepared for trick-or-treaters in Hortan Tingle.
Landon A. Toney, Emily Brown, Carson Parnell and Jessi Varner enjoyed open dorm night together.
Conley Trammell handed out candy to trick-or-treaters.
Frank Gossett and Becklin Blankenship enjoyed open dorm night in Emery.
Jenna Thomas, Garrett Roberye and Rebekah Burrell experienced open dorm night in Emery.
Marcus Buckley caught TJ Luikart on the outskirts of campus.
Michala Crimpy, Jacob McDaris and Christine Adcock prepared for trick or treaters.
Chinq 12 hosted the biggest party on campus.
Friends Sarah Howard, Miranda Bradford, Melanie Rice, Adam Polk, Amy Coleman and Sela Estelle took on the night.
Rebekah Ross made a great secret agent.