Title IX: A Brief Introduction

Title IX: A Brief Introduction

Robin McCarter the new Title IX Director is educating students on the different violations of Title IX.

Robin McCarter the new Title IX Director is educating students on the different violations of Title IX.

Devan Trout, Staff Writer

North Greenville University welcomed a new Title IX coordinator in August 2015. 

Title IX is an Educational Amendment of 1972 which prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs and activities.

The new coordinator, Robin McCarter, helps students understand what exactly a Title IX violation is.

�Title IX is for sexual misconduct, discrimination and sexual harassment,� said McCarter.

Examples of sexual harassment include: unwelcome sexual innuendos, suggestive or insulting sounds, whistling in a suggestive manner, or humor and jokes about sex or (wo)men in general, implied or overt threats and unwelcome patting, pinching or touching.

�No person in the United States shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation, be denied the benefits of, or objected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance,� said McCarter.

Title IX applies to all activities and persons on the North Greenville campus, from the students to the teachers to even the FUGE campers over the summer.

Students do not need to fear retaliation under the Title IX policies. Laws are in place to protect the students or whoever feels they have been discriminated against.

�We want our students to feel comfortable, that this is a safe environment,� said McCarter.

All teachers are considered responsible employees. If a student goes to a teacher to tell their story, the teacher would have to report the incident.

The only people who are completely confidential are any of the school counselors or doctors within the Tuttle Clinic.

After McCarter has been informed of the incident, she would tell Campus Security so they can look for criminal activity. Both McCarter and Campus Security would conduct investigations in order to resolve the issue.

To help educate students better, McCarter has compiled the Title IX information in a PowerPoint. This slideshow is used to educate the incoming freshmen on what exactly is a Title IX violation.

McCarter is also in the process of creating brochures that list what Title IX is, who to contact if there is a violation, and other information to inform the students. These brochures will be given out to all students.

Also in the making are flyers that are to be put up throughout the campus so that students, teachers and visitors of the campus are made aware of Title IX.

There will be a Title IX training at the end of September in Chapel so that students will become more knowledgeable about it.

If you feel like you have been a victim of sexual assault, discrimination or harassment, please contact one of the numbers below.

Title IX Coordinator Robin McCarter (864) 977-2008

Campus Security (864) 977-7777

Tuttle Clinic Kathy Bailey (864) 977-7170


Sue Suomi (864) 977-2094

Steven Bielby (864) 663-0249

Jared Thomas (864) 663-0148

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