The Vision 48 Video: Third time’s a charm for new NGU hat policy

The Vision 48 Video: Third time’s a charm for new NGU hat policy

Sammy Dewey, Staff Writer

North Greenville University’s hat policy continues to evolve as rules for when and where students can wear hats relaxed even more this semester.

In the past, wearing hats or any other type of clothing that covers the head was discouraged in most places students would wear them, such as the stud, cafeteria or Hayes Gymnasium. Other places like Turner Chapel, Hester Memorial Library or classrooms have always had a no-hat policy.

Just last year the policy had a major change which allowed students to wear hats in the stud/Student Services area and in the Gymnasium, while also maintaining a no-hat policy everywhere else.

This semester another but more significant change has occurred with the policy. While a new policy is being updated, a temporary adjustment has been made by the Executive Council. Students of NGU are still not allowed to wear hats in Chapel, at cultural events and other events that require special event dress. However, students are now allowed to wear hats in halls, the Todd Dining Hall (with the exception of Sunday lunch due to special event dress), the library and in classrooms. It will still be up to the individual faculty as to whether or not they allow students to wear hats in their classes.

Many students are thrilled about the new change. Senior Justin Keck, who wears hats quite often and approves of the new changes to the policy says, “I enjoy it, particularly when I don’t feel like fixing up hair to not look bad, just plop a hat on and you’re good to go.”

“I love it,” says junior Jessica Bowers, “It opens up a lot of options for girls to wear head bands and stuff without being afraid someone is going to ask them to take it off and then they’ll have a bad hair day.”

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