In the website�s list of the �Top 50 Christian Colleges and Universities with the Lowest Debt Burden�, NGU ranks fourth in the nation and top in the state of South Carolina.
“Mockingjay Part I”: is it worth your time?
“Overall, the film was decent. There were good parts to it that were enjoyable and the actors did a wonderful job embracing their characters, but it is not one that I would suggest people spend money to see in theaters.”
Which Music Generator Will You Be Using This Holiday Season?
Graphic by Jonathan Coelho Jonathan Coelho, Assistant Editor Martin Luther once said, ?Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is […]
NGU Not Spiking With New Athletic Program
Graphic by Jonathan Coelho Jonathan Coelho, Assistant Editor NGU Athletics have been in a stage of expansion over the past year with new turf fields for soccer and football, new […]
Love thy neighbor becomes a reality in South Carolina; same-sex marriage licenses issued in Charleston
While the legality of same sex marriage takes a step forward, so must the church.
Five students and what they’re thankful for this Thanksgiving
These North Greenville students have something a little different they are thankful for this holiday season.
The Weekly Giggle
The Weekly Giggle
“Left Behind”: success or disappointment?
�The newest movie barely mentions the gospel and why the rapture happened. The old one accurately displayed the gospel in a way any audience can recognize,� said freshman Laura Stephens.
A POTUS for 2016 that Christians can really get behind: CARSON
“Few men are ever in the position that Carson is in; he could be the hinge that history swings on.”
5 Unavoidable Holiday Situations
The Holidays really are the most wonderful time of the year. Whether it’s the mountain of dishes or an overcrowded house, the holidays come with a few not so wonderful things to tackle. Which of these situations do you dread the most?