Did you know? School rules everyone forgets
Tiffany Cobb, The Vision Online Staff Writer
According to North Greenville University rules, every student is required to read the Enlightener before beginning classes. Many students, however, simply skim instead of truly reading into the specifics. We’re here to break it down for you.
1. Bicycles, when not in use, should be cleaned and stored in your dorm room. (You also need a bicycle pass – which you can get for FREE from Campus Security.)
2. Coffee makers must have an automatic shut-off � including your Keurig. It should not be drawing power when not in use, so an instant use coffee maker (one that stays on and starts with one button) is not allowed on campus.
3. Any skateboard tricks that could cause potential damage (i.e. grinding) to school property are illegal and subject to disciplinary measures and fines.
4. Students are not allowed, at any time, on any campus rooftop � even if the air conditioning unit has the perfect ladder.
5. Double-sided tape is not allowed to be used on any dorm wall. Acceptable securing methods? Cinder block wall � blue masking tape (painters tape)
Wooden/Plaster walls � small thumbtacks. Small Command hooks may be used in both cases.
6. �Gothic� style clothing and makeup is not to be worn on campus property. This includes chains, bandanas in pockets, and excessive dark colored makeup.
7. Students are not allowed to lay on the ground in mixed company anywhere on campus.
8. Your guests must 1. Have a pass from Campus Security before they are allowed on campus. 2. Have a pass from Student Services before staying overnight. 3. Must reside at least 60 miles from NGU campus grounds to stay overnight.
9. Students may only enter the cafeteria through the main entrance and exit through the exit door(s). This one is a bit tricky because the two double doors at the entrance are not clearly marked as to show whether they are entrance or exit doors.
10. Objects are not allowed to be thrown anywhere on campus � so put your Frisbee away. The rules state, �No student is permitted to throw water bottles, water, snowballs, or other objects in the residence halls or anywhere on campus.� (This rule is being reviewed by administration for a clearer meaning.)
11. Using a university telephone is prohibited from student-use.
12. Air fresheners cannot be oil based. This included most �warmers�, plug ins, and a large majority of sprays.
13. And last but not least�this one cannot be put on the official list because it is not stated in the Enlightener, but if you ask administration it will be confirmed.
�Students are not allowed to use sidewalk chalk on any university sidewalk.�