Delay of Crain Science Building expansion explained

Delay of Crain Science Building expansion explained

Jonathan Coelho, Assistant Editor

Future site of Crain Science building expansion.

Future site of Crain Science building expansion.

North Greenville has seen rapid growth since 2010 and the expansion has progressed not only in housing but academics as well.  The science program will be seeing its fingerprint broaden as additions to the Crain Science building are being prepared. 

What is holding up the building of the new science building and why hasn’t it gotten past the blue print stage? “We finally have the permits from the county but North Greenville doesn’t do anything without donations,” said Thomas Allen, Dean of Science and Math. “Once Dr. Epting receives about 50 percent of the donations then the process will start.  So even though we do have some donations and are on the cusp of starting, true expansion won’t begin until we have moved the wire cables in the ground that support the computer system for over half the campus.” 

The new additions will not only benefit biology majors, the new science building will bring expansion for the psychology and math departments, as well as space for the health and wellness program to move in.

The new additions to the science building will include more office space for current faculty and staff, three new lecture halls, storage rooms, three new full sized labs, a physiology lab and a research lab, something North Greenville has never had.

The physiology lab will come complete with a laminar air flow system, which according to the medical dictionary is, “A system of circulating filtered air in parallel-flowing planes in hospitals or other health care facilities. The system reduces the risk of airborne contamination and exposure to chemical pollutants in surgical theaters, food preparation areas, hospital pharmacies and laboratories.”


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